Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm Posting??

Hey, it's only been 7 months since I last posted something here. But given my level of boredom this week, I figured writing a few entries would kill at least 20 minutes. And changing the name, font and style? That's at least another 10.

Surprisingly little is new (or at least surprisingly little that I'm going to talk about in a public forum with OCI coming up (please hire me, DC law firms!)), but some highlights:

* I finished my first year of law school! Yes, I made it out alive, so I am officially 1/3 of the way to being able to pretend I know enough law to give legal advice. Scary thought.

* I'm interning this summer at the Department of Justice in the Environmental Crimes Section. Yes, environmental crimes are real; no, not everyone who works here is a granola-crunching hippie. Turns out dumping tons of putrid, hazardous chemicals into the main water source of a small town is a big no-no. So far I've been pretty lucky in getting assignments which are challenging and interesting. It's also even further solidified my love for litigation: spend the next two weeks reading over this brief, doing research and writing out an argument demonstrating opposing counsel is wrong? Sign me up. I'm here through mid-August, too, so if anyone in the DC/Northern Virginia area is interested in getting together before then, let me know.

* OCI is coming up. For those of you less familiar with the process of finding legal employment, OCI is the On Campus Interviewing program that Michigan and a good many other schools do. Employers come to the campus to interview prospective employees for next summer (only 9 months away!), and each student goes through dozens of interviews over a 4 or 5 day period. The important part is that the large majority of students will end up working for the firm, organization or agency they intern for during their 2L summer after they graduate, meaning this process pretty much determines where I'll be going with my pretty new J.D. in 2011. I really want to return to the District once I graduate, so we'll hope the process goes well.

I'm going to try to revive my blog and post here at least semi-regularly, so here's hoping I stick to it.