Monday, August 25, 2008


It's been a while since I've posted, and this isn't going to be a very long update, but briefly so nobody thinks I'm dead: I moved to Ann Arbor, registered for school, got moved in (for the most part), got my awesome new computer, had a fun weekend with my parents and am about to go buy some textbooks (eep! they're expensive!).

I'll post some more details and pictures in the near future.

Also, I now officially hate Ohio State. Go Blue.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

1L Schedule Vol. II

Also, in case anyone wants to know where I'll be over the next few days, here's the plan:

8/14-19: packing, Elaine comes up to Reno to visit
8/20: flying out with Mom & Dad to Ann Arbor
8/21: probably shopping for stuff for my room
8/22: Move-In Day
8/24: Parents head back to Reno
8/25: First day of orientation; pick up my MCard & get my new computer
8/25-29: Orientation week
9/2: first day of classes

1L Schedule

Well I just got the unofficial schedule for my 1L year, and it looks pretty good. Michigan breaks down each entering class into one of four sections, and then each section into four different groups, so there's ABCD, EFGH, IJKL and MNOP. I'm in the "I" group, and my first semester schedule is (drum roll here...):

Con Law: 10:10-11:00 am Mon - Thurs David Franklin
Torts: 11:15-12:10 pm Mon - Thurs Christina Whitman
Property: 1:30-2:25 pm Tues - Fri Brian Simpson
Legal Practice: 2:35-3:30 pm Wed & Fri Mark Osbeck

I checked out the bios for my four professors, and for some reason David Franklin doesn't appear I'm guessing that's not who will end up teaching the course.

They've also already made the 2nd semester schedule, which isn't nearly so nice: 8:00 am class 5 days a week = major bummer (you can see it here). Guess I've just gotta get used to getting up early this semester. And, in case you were wondering, in that 2nd semester I'll be taking Civil Procedure, Contracts, Criminal Law and Legal Practice (II).

All-in-all, it looks pretty good, and I'm definitely getting excited to head out on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I <3 NJ

So I got a letter in the mail a few days ago from the NJ Department of Taxation, telling me that I had only paid part of my tax bill. I looked through my copy of the tax return I filed, and it turns out that New Jersey didn't credit me the money that Princeton University withheld from my paycheck. After I found that out, I called the Department of Taxation, and tried to explain to them that I didn't actually owe any additional money, and that if they took a look at my W-2 form, they'd have proof of that. The not-so-nice lady on the other end told me that they just don't seem to have a copy of my W-2 which, in case you guessed, is pretty dumb considering that a) I sent it to them with my tax return, b) I'm almost positive that Princeton was legally required to send them one and c) if they're telling the truth, apparently my word is good enough for the State of New Jersey for how much I actually owe: I could have put that I earned $2.97 in 2007 and since they don't check for W-2's, they'd have no way to prove otherwise.

And as a result, I'm now going to have to send a letter to New Jersey with a copy of my W-2 from Princeton and explain to them what happened. With any luck, this will easily be resolved (ha). Anyway, back to work. I've got a strongly-worded letter to write.